Flexibility and consultation

Flexibility Matters

Customised solutions with the customer at the center

At Combitherm, we develop customised quality solutions that match the specific needs of each individual customer. Our customers receive in-depth advice about the possibilities, qualities, thermal effect, as well as tests and documentation, and can feel secure throughout the entire process. Our employees devise optimal solutions, with the aim that they should also be manageable for storage or transport.

It is crucial for us to maintain a strong and close relationship with our customers. Continual, constructive dialogue is essential to ensure they feel confident in using our solutions. Our clients return to us because they recognise that our thermal solutions consistently provide the agreed-upon temperature stabilisation. We are dedicated to building trust by delivering on our promises and consistently meeting our commitments.

Jens Elisius Christensen
Head of Sales

Our production set-up with our own production department, sales department, and development department in the same building makes us very flexible and able to quickly adjust production to guarantee short delivery times and competitive prices. Our employees are always in close dialogue across departments, and this means that we quickly achieve new energy-saving and environmentally friendly thermal solutions that minimise temperature fluctuations.

Although Combitherm offers a standard assortment, we are primarily order-producing. Our core competence is to deliver customised solutions that secure our customers' products and adapt to their specific needs.

When we advise our customers to choose a thermal solution, we give them an overview of the performance of our various solutions. There is, after all, a big difference in both the economy and the material used for a pallet cover compared to, for example, a partition wall or a wind turbine blade. Our customers should feel secure that they are getting the optimal solution and advice.

Pia B. R. Bormann
Product Manager