Experience and innovation

Expertice Matters

Experience, experts, and innovation

For over 40 years, Combitherm has been developing professional thermal solutions, and a large part of our employees have been on board for many years. The collective knowledge bank and the valuable experience is an advantage for our customers, as it gives us deep and broad expertise in developing and manufacturing quality solutions for many industries that require efficient and safe temperature stabilisation.

Our experienced team has further been strengthened with skilled employees from Syria, bringing strong competencies from tailoring and textile production with them. At Combitherm, we actively work with the UN’s global goals, including goal no. 8, which is about social responsibility. Based on this goal, we have tried to help our Syrian colleagues find their footing both in the company and in the local area, among other things by offering Danish lessons.

We have taken significant steps to ensure that our Syrian employees feel well-settled here at Combitherm. Among other initiatives, we have facilitated educational opportunities within the company as a supplement to the standard education they receive upon arriving in Denmark. Our Syrian colleagues have integrated seamlessly into our workforce. They actively participate in social events and communicate effectively with other employees. Overall, it's a very positive story from every angle.

Marianne Pedersen
Production Manager

Our employees constantly strive to develop and produce the very best thermal solutions. Everyone is aware of how we can optimise processes and work methods. A good idea can come from an employee in production as well as from one in product development. As a team, we all work to deliver optimal and flawless quality products to our customers.

We have many strong and long-lasting customer relationships, and we are proud of it because the customers would not use our thermal solutions if they did not work optimally. To ensure these long-lasting customer relationships, we constantly work on developing and improving our products, so they always meet the market's demands.

Our employees are all aware of how our products should look, and what effort is required from each individual to ensure that the product is 100% in order. Even tiny errors are discovered by the employees themselves, who make sure to stop the products, so they do not reach our customers.

Marianne Pedersen
Production Manager